AI News - 21st April 2023


💌 Welcome to Our AI Weekly Roundup! 💌

We're excited to bring you this week's roundup of the most fascinating AI news, updates, and breakthroughs! Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back, and explore the incredible world of AI with us.

🔥 Top AI Stories of the Week

🔥 Top AI Stories of the Week

  1. Which jobs are safe from AI, for now? Link

  2. Here are some of the latest research papers in AI:

    • Generative agents. Simulating human behavior. Link
    • Using GPT for Image Segmentation Link
  3. A good article on the Ethical and social implications of Large Language Models. Link

  4. Elon Musk claims to be working on a rival to OpenAI called ‘Truth GPT’ Link

  5. Research group introduces a new SQL-like open source programming language called LMQL. Link

  6. Did you know that it is possible to run a Linux virtual machine terminal in ChatGPT? Link

  7. Google is still having serious teething problems with it’s BARD GPT Link

  8. Nvidia debuts its text to video Link

  9. Microsoft is creating a custom chip for AI Link

  10. Japanese city using GPT to help run the government. Link Link

  11. New company debuts LLMShield to protect intellectual property. Link